由傳音系蔡淩蕙主任、李婧慧與潘汝端兩位副教授帶領由音樂、傳音、舞蹈與電影系30多位師生組成之北藝大音樂學院甘美朗樂團與泰國樂團,於7月1日參與中華文化總會在臺北賓館所舉辦之2017「仲夏來尞」藝文聯誼茶會演出,演奏印尼峇里島甘美朗樂曲《Kebyar》、《Gambang》,以及泰國古典音樂- Krueng Sai樂曲《Bulan Loy Luen》與Piphat樂曲《Lao Damnern Sray》第二變奏等樂章。
擔任此次演出總指導的李婧慧副教授說明,為了此次演出,特別從印尼與泰國訂製正統演出服裝,並邀請印尼藝術學院I Gusti Putu Sudarta老師與泰國布拉帕大學(Burapha University)音樂與表演藝術學院Sanchai
Uaesilapa院長與Phongsathorn Sutham老師於演出前蒞校檢視同學們的學習成果。
北藝大甘美朗課程始於1985年,當時的音樂系主任,也是北藝大前校長的馬水龍教授為了開闊學生的視野,特別聘請旅美韓國鐄教授為客座教授,購置臺灣第一套甘美朗樂器,來自峇里島安克隆甘美朗,並開設甘美朗音樂和世界音樂課程。也因此,這次樂團的同學們是透過選修「甘美朗的理論與實技」 (音樂系與傳統音樂系合開課程)所組成,分別來自不同系所,不同主修,包括北管、音樂理論、南管、琵琶、傳統戲曲、古琴、音樂學、鋼琴、中提琴、舞蹈文化研究與評論、電影等不同專業背景。
Two TNUA ensembles performed traditional Indonesian and Thai
music at a summer event organized by the General Association of Chinese Culture
(GACC) in Taipei on July 1. More than 30 students and teachers from TNUA’s
departments of music, traditional music, dance and filmmaking took part in the
performance by the Gamelan Ensemble and Thai Music Ensemble. The TNUA
performers were led by Prof. Tsai Ling-Huei, chairperson of the Department of
Traditional Music, and two others from the department – Prof. Lee Ching-huei
and Pan Ju-Tuan. They performed Indonesia’s traditional Balinese Gamelan music
pieces “Kebyar” and “Gambang,” and Thailand’s traditional Krueng Sai piece
“Bulan Loy Luen” and Piphat work “Lao Damnern Sray.” Prof. Tsai said the
increasing number of immigrants from Southeast Asia prompted GACC to include
Southeast Asian music in the event. GACC invited the TNUA performers to the
event in recognition of the Department of Traditional Music’s highly acclaimed
and successful efforts promoting music exchanges with Southeast Asia, Prof.
Tsai noted. She pointed out that a delegation from her department visited Bali
in June 2014 in an exchange activity with its Gamelan musicians. The department
has also organized various master lectures and workshops concerning Thai music,
she added. Prof. Lee said that specifically for this performance, they had
their stage costumes custom-made in Indonesia and Thailand. And they also
invited Prof. Gusti Putu Sudarta form the Indonesian Institute of Arts, and
Prof. Sanchai Uaesilapa and Prof. Phongsathorn Sutham from Thailand’s Burapha
University, to preview their performance before the actual event.