展現臺灣藝術創意新能量 北藝大跨系師生校友製作團隊再次成功打造國際運動賽事開幕盛會 國立臺北藝術大學繼參與籌劃執行「2009年世界運動會」開閉幕典禮製作後,2016年再次與安益國際集團合作,投入「2017世界大學運動會」開閉幕式典禮製作團隊。這次的活動由安益國際(Interplan)統籌,北藝大舞蹈學院王雲幼院長擔任總製作人,美術學院曲德益教授擔任視覺統籌,邀集校內舞蹈、美術、新媒、戲劇、劇設等跨系所師生校友近兩百人投入參與這次的活動策劃執行,再次打造一場完美的國際運動賽事開幕典禮,讓全世界看見臺灣文化藝術源源不絕的創意新能量。

  於819日在田徑場舉辦的這場令人震撼之視聽饗宴,不僅結合藝術、文化、科技及娛樂等元素,三位新銳導演們分別以「活力島嶼」、「匯聚台北」,以及「世界部落」為主軸,展現臺灣孕育多樣生態與文化特色,傳統與現代不斷交錯之對話, 藉由一股前進躍動的力量,以年輕的視角回顧過去、凝視當代、前瞻未來,來讓全世界瞭解及認識「臺灣」這個夥伴。

  「For YouFor Youth!」在開幕式三段文化節目(簡稱CP)部分,各組導演分別為第一段(CP1)由舞蹈研究所校友謝杰樺,第二段(CP2)為台南人劇團導演廖若涵,第三段(CP3)是新媒系碩士班校友林昆穎,以及序曲暨儀典部分則為舞蹈研究所研究生劉彥成。節目策劃歷經18個月,共計投入國內各大專院校、國高中,以及民間企業、藝文團體等1500人次一同參與製作演出。

  北藝大舞蹈學院為了這次的開幕式,從校友、老師、學生(貫四到貫七生)出動了百餘人次。其中在演出部分,為臺灣首位加入太陽劇團成員的校友張逸軍,於CP2吊掛上25公尺高度進行高空舞蹈呈現;現為瑪莎.葛蘭姆舞團(Martha Graham Dance Company)首席舞者的簡珮如則於CP3以前衛及充滿宇宙科技感造型擔任獨舞,並與學弟妹們一同演出。而焦點舞團(貫七生)的29位成員也於CP2表演「煙」舞,而這支舞之編舞者為舞蹈系校友沈怡彣,她同時也擔任此次世大運開幕典禮舞蹈系領隊與行政協助;此外,焦點舞團部分成員們並與系上學長學弟們一同參與三段節目不同小節之表演。


  另在聖火臺部分,由新媒系校友張耿豪、林昆穎、陳志建與藝術家張耿華組成之豪華朗機工團隊負責製作,與竹編藝術家游文富協助造型設計。這個會移動的聖火裝置,使用了17千多個零件,工法上則與腳踏車業者、自動化加工設備製造商製作,且通過風洞實驗室測試。耗時20個月的製作過程,歷經颱風的考驗,這座高達7公尺、寬幅6.2公尺,金屬扇葉造型的聖火台,在「永遠的第四棒」陳金鋒教練的揮棒引動下,完美呈現全世界的觀眾眼前,熊熊的火焰在搖曳的火台上燃燒著,展現生生不息的活力與熱情。 再次感謝全國年輕優秀表演者包含國立臺北藝術大學、國立臺灣藝術大學、臺北市立大學及臺中國體院等舞蹈科系學生,與中正高中、左營高中、華岡藝校、清水高中、桃園高中、北安國中等國高中舞蹈資優班學生,以及金山高中、樹林高中兩所學校的原住民藝能班學生的熱情參與。 Llunc Lin

攝影 王世邦 吳俊諺

The 2017 Taipei Universiade opened on August 19 with an impressive ceremony that was produced by TNUA. The production team, organized by Interplan Group and led by Prof. Wang Yunyu, dean of the School of Dance, will also produce the closing ceremony for the Summer Universiade on August 30. It is the second time that TNUA has been put in charge of producing the opening and closing ceremonies of major sports events. The first was for the World Games 2009 in Kaohsiung. The Universiade shows – a cross-department effort involving almost 200 teachers and students from TNUA – are again demonstrating to the world Taiwan’s creativity. The departments taking part in the production include the Department of Dance, the Department of Fine Arts, the Department of New Media, the Department of Theatre Arts, and the Department of Theatre Design and Technology. The show on August 19 was in three parts that respectively highlighted the energy of Taiwan, the host city of Taipei, and the country’s global reach. It was meant to demonstrate Taiwan’s cultural diversity and characteristics, and present a dialogue between the past and the present, with an eye on the future. The first part of the August 19 show was directed by Chieh-hua Jeff Hsieh, a graduate from TNUA’s Graduate Institute of Dance; the second part was directed by Liao Jo-han from Tainaner Ensemble; and the third by Lin Kun-Ying, who holds a master’s degree from the Department of New Media. There were some notable performers of the show. Billy Chang, an alumnus of TNUA and currently a member of Cirque du Soleil, performed a mid-air dance 25 meters above the ground. PeiJu Chien-Pott, a principal dancer at Martha Graham Dance Company and a graduate of TNUA, gave a solo performance. Hsieh, who directed the first part of the show, said it was both a tough job and memorable experience.

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