2017年關渡國際動畫節(Kuan Du International Animation Festival) 114日舉辦「關渡狗動畫獎 KuanDog Prize」頒獎典禮,今年共計有來自全球93個國家、2000多部作品參與競賽評選,評審團要在在進入最後一輪選出的一般組31件作品,與學生組55件作品中選出最後的優勝者,而獲得最佳動畫獎(首獎)的一般組得主為來自法國,由Max Porter Ru Kuwahata共同創作之《Negative Space》,另在學生組部分,也是來自法國由Florian Babikian6位共同創作之《Garden Party》。

  至於在臺灣特別獎部分,今年共頒發兩座獎項,分別由北藝大動畫系校友李玟瑾以作品《Understand? Understood.》,以及一般組參賽者張晉緯等2人創作之《White Tunnel》獲得殊榮。 巴黎第八大學藝術與影像科技系所陳珠櫻教授、去年榮獲2016年關渡動畫獎首獎作品《OSSA》導演 Dario Imbrogno、特映長片《失心魔島:孤子》導演 Pedro Rivero、《沒有手的女孩》製片 Jean-Christophe Soulageon.、國際動畫大師 Robi Engler 、國際短片評審Till Dietsche,財團法人謝許英文化藝術基金會丁博輝董事長與北藝大邱顯洵副校長、動畫系史明輝主任等系上多位老師們也一同出席這次的盛會。

  擔任評審團之一的巴黎第八大學藝術與影像科技系所陳珠櫻教授表示,今年不論是一般組或是學生組的參賽作品水準都相當高,不論在技巧、敘事手法、個人風格等各具特色,都讓評審們相當為難,很難取捨。此外,對於北藝大動畫系能承辦如此具有國際規模的動畫盛會,更讓陳教授十分感動,大讚「臺灣動畫有你們真好!」 回顧過去幾天的活動,共計舉辦十餘場大師講座與工作坊,分享這些來自不同國家動畫專家學者寶貴之創作經驗。在國際交流部分,邀請到德國歷史悠久的柏林國際短片影展(Interfilm Berlin)精選作品,以及巴黎第八大學藝術與影像科技系所,將呈現以3週密集式工作坊完成近40部的動畫作品。工作坊部分,包含澳洲大學音樂大師Kenneth Lampl2016年關渡動畫獎首獎《OSSA》導演Dario Imbrogno、特映長片《失心魔島:孤子》導演Pedro RIVERO、《沒有手的女孩》製片Jean-Christophe Soulageon.、國際動畫大師Robi Engler以及臺灣動畫長片「幸福路上」導演宋欣穎等多位專家學者也到場進行講座,交流對談。

  而除了放映上百部的參賽作品外,最受觀眾期待的長片單元,今年邀請到六部動畫長片進行播映,如2017年度動畫大作《芭蕾奇緣》、美術風格精緻的法國2D動畫長片《漫漫北尋路》、榮獲2016加拿大奇幻電影節最佳電影長片《失心魔島:孤子》、甫獲72屆威尼斯影展評審團大獎的偶動畫長片《安諾瑪麗莎》,入圍2016安錫影展競賽單元的《沒有手的女孩》,以及2016安錫影展觀眾票選獎及水晶獎雙料得主之瑞士動畫片《酷瓜人生》等精采作品。 除在北藝大校園外,另於新北市府中15故事館、台北當代藝術館等地也舉辦多場影片播映與講座,讓更多民眾可以體驗動畫多元豐富的樂趣。


「第七屆關渡國際動畫節」得獎名單 一般組 KuanDog Award for the Best International Short Film 最佳國際動畫短片」 片名:Negative Space 導演:Max Porter & Ru Kuwahata 國籍:法國 Jury Honorable Mentions 評審團獎」: 片名:Ugly 導演:Nikita Diakur 國籍:德國 片名:Manolo 導演:Abel Ringot 國籍:法國 片名:Nothing Happens 導演:Michelle Kranot & Uri Kranot 國籍:丹麥


KuanDog Award for the Best International Student Short Film 最佳國際動畫短片」 片名:Garden Party 國籍:法國 導演:Florian Babikian / Vincent Bayoux / Victor Caire / Théophile Dufresne / Gabriel Grapperon / Lucas Navarro Jury Honorable Mentions

評審團獎: 片名:Fliposcope 國籍:塞爾維亞 導演:Krunoslav Jovic 片名:Play Boys 國籍:比利時 導演:Vincent Lynen KuanDog Award for the Best Taiwanese Film 臺灣獎」


 白色隧道 導演:簡嵐淇&張晉維 學生組: 懂了嗎?嗯。 導演:李玟瑾 更多活動詳情請洽粉絲專頁,搜尋「關渡國際動畫節」。 更多活動詳情請洽粉絲專頁,搜尋「關渡國際動畫節」。

攝影王世邦 吳俊諺

The 2017 KuanDu International Animation Festival (KDIAF) closed on November 4 by announcing the winners of the KuanDog Prize. The Best International Animated Short Film KuanDog Award went to “Negative Space,” created by Max Porter and Ru Kuwahata from France. The Best Student Film award went to “Garden Party,” a joint effort by Florian Babikian, Vincent Bayoux, Victor Caire, Theophile Dufresne, Gabriel Grapperon and Lucas Navarro from France. The Taiwan Special Award was given to two films: “White Tunnel,” by Chien Lan-Chi and Chang Chin-Wei; and “Understand? Understood” by Lee Wen Jin, who graduated from TNUA. This year more than 2,000 entries from 93 countries were submitted to the competition. “Negative Space” emerged victorious from a short list of 31 in the Industry category, and “Garden Party” from a short list of 55 in the student group. The award presentation ceremony on November 4 gathered together guests of honor that included: Prof. Chen Chu-Yin from the Department of Arts and Technology of the Image at University Paris 8; Dario Imbrogno, the Italian director whose “OSSA” won the 2016 KuanDog Award for International Short Film; Pedro Rivero, director of “Psiconautas, the Forgotten Children,” one of the feature films of this year’s festival; Jean-Christophe Soulageon, producer of another feature film, “The Girl Without Hands”; renowned animation artist Robert Engler; and Till Dietsche, a member of the jury of International Short Film for the 2017 KDIAF. Attending the ceremony were also TNUA Vice President Chiu Hsien-hsun, as well as others from TNUA’s Animation Department, including its chairperson, Prof. Shih Ming-Huei. Prof. Chen from University Paris 8, who was also a member of the KDIAF jury this year, noted that the films that entered 2017 KDIAF were exceptional, giving the jury a difficult time determining the winners. Prof. Chen congratulated TNUA’s Animation Department on its success in holding such an international festival. The eight-day festival featured about a dozen master lectures and workshops, held by animation artists and experts from various countries. People and organizations from around the world were present at the festival, including the historic International Short Film Festival Berlin (Interfilm), which screened selected works. University Paris 8's computer graphics and art department (ATI) presented an intensive three-week workshop where nearly 40 animation works were created. The artists and guests that gave talks and workshops during the festival included: the head of Australian National University’s School of Music, Kenneth Lampl; Dario Imbrogno; Pedro Rivero; Robert Engler; and the director of Taiwanese feature-length animated film “On Happiness Road,” Sung Hsin-Yin. The festival screened almost 100 films in competition, as well as six specially-invited feature-length animation works. One of them was the opening film “Ballerina,” a co-production of French and Canadian animation companies that took seven years to make. The other was the closing film, “ Long Way North (Tout en haut du monde),” an artistically refined 2D animation film from France which won the Audience Award at the 2015 Annecy International Animated Film Festival as well as the Grand Prize in the Feature Animation category at the 2016 Tokyo Anime Award Festival. The other four feature films were: “Psiconautas, the Forgotten Children,” “Anomalisa,” “The Girl Without Hands (La Jeune Fille sans mains),” and “My Life as a Courgette (Ma vie de Courgette).” “The Girl Without Hands” is an independently produced animation done in the style of ink wash painting that won the Jury Award at the 2016 Annecy International Film Festival. Swedish animated film “My Life as a Courgette” explores the question about love. It won both the Audience Award and the Cristal for a Feature Film at the 2016 Annecy International Film Festival, and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature “Psiconautas, the Forgotten Children” won the Satoshi Kon Award for Best Animated Feature at the 2016 Fantasia International Film Festival in Canada. The film presents a starkly contrasting take on ecological awareness and a coming of age story. “Anomalisa” is a stop-motion animated film that won the Grand Special Jury Prize at the 72nd Venice International Film Festival and was the first adult film to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. The festival also screened some of the films outside TNUA in Taipei to let more people experience the fun of animation.

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