由國立臺北藝術大學、臺灣舞蹈研究學會,以及世界舞蹈聯盟亞太分會(World Dance Alliance-Asia Pacific,簡稱WDAAP)共同舉辦之「以舞會友 Dance in Proximity」國際舞蹈研討會於11 10日起一連兩天在北藝大校園展開一系列專題講座、圓桌論壇、論文發表、工作坊與舞蹈呈現等活動,邀請來自臺灣、大陸、韓國、印度、孟加拉、馬來西亞、印尼、泰國、新加坡、蒙古、澳大利亞、紐西蘭、阿根廷、瓜地馬拉、宏都拉斯、墨西哥、哥倫比亞、西班牙,以及巴布亞紐幾內亞等國之舞蹈領域專家學者及師生們共聚一堂,彼此交流與進行經驗分享。

  在專題演講部分,首場由遠道從阿根廷來臺,曾任美國舞蹈學會 (Congress of Research on Dance )主席,加州大學河濱分校UCR和美國加州大學洛杉磯分校榮譽教授-Marta E. Savigliano女士以「如舞之繽紛:從世界舞蹈看文化轉譯與親近性 / Dancerly Divides: Cultural Translation and Proximity: From a World Dance Perspective」為題,分享她對世界舞蹈的獨特觀點。

  另一場由北藝大舞蹈學院張中煖教授主講之「舞~在進退之間 Dance in Betwixt and Between」,則道出了張教授從身為學生、舞者、教育者和行政者,在其不同階段角色舞動生命的探索、發現及反思。同時,她也分享了近年於所主持以身體為核心的計畫案「藝醫共學計畫」和「關渡共生共好行動計畫」,來說明北藝大過往在跨領域合作及實踐大學社會責任的努力與成果。 而兩天的圓桌論壇活動則針對了「十二年課綱下舞蹈藝才班的發展」,以及「跨文化舞蹈教學」等主題,分別邀請到國內外之學者們一同進行討論,意見交換。其中,在「跨文化舞蹈教學」部分,由舞蹈學院陳雅萍教授擔任主持,Marta Savigliano教授、北藝大張曉雄主任,以及兩位分別來自澳大利亞及蒙古的客座教授Leigh Warren Munguntsetseg Munkhbadrakh一同與談,並就各自的跨國教學經驗進行實例說明與分享。

  至於在論文發表部分,議題則涵括「陸文龍雙槍下場花學習體驗探究」、「毯子功」之修行、「身心合一表演訓練之舞蹈實踐」、「甘肅民間舞蹈」、「嶺南舞蹈大賽」、馬來西亞「華族舞」、親子舞蹈課程與互動、以流行舞蹈提升ADD青少年專注力等十多項內容進行解說。 此外,今年也安排不同國家的舞者們帶來舞作呈現,讓與會者們除了在專業新知的學習交流外,也藉此機會欣賞到不同國家的舞蹈特色與風格,從理論到實務技巧,成功落實這次活動的主題「以舞會友」。

攝影 王世邦 吳俊諺 Photo by Anpis Wang, Jamie Wu

TNUA hosts ‘Dance in Proximity’ international symposium “Dance in Proximity,” an international dance symposium jointly arranged by TNUA, Dance Research Society Taiwan, and World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific (WDAAP), took place at TNUA on November 10 and 11. The two-day symposium featured a series of lectures, round table discussions, research paper presentations, workshops and dance performances. The participants were dance experts, scholars and students from various countries across the world, including Taiwan, China, Korea, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Mongolia, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Colombia, Spain and Papua New Guinea. The first lecture of the event, “Dancerly Divides: Cultural Translation and Proximity: From a World Dance Perspective,” was delivered by Prof. Marta E. Savigliano from the Department of Dance, University of California, Riverside (UCR). There was another lecture, “Dance in Betwixt and Between,” by Prof. Chang Chung Shiuan from TNUA’s School of Dance. The talk analyzed and recollected the different roles – as student, dancer, educator and administrator – that she has played in her career in dance. Prof. Chang also talked about the projects that she has been in charge at TNUA to promote cross-disciplinary collaboration (between dance and medicine) and the university’s social responsibility (for community development in the Kuandu area). The round table discussions had scholars from Taiwan and other countries share their opinions about different subjects, including the dance education in Taiwan and cross-cultural dance education. The discussion of cross-cultural dance education, moderated by Prof. Chen Ya-Ping from TNUA’s Department of Dance, featured four speakers: Prof. Marta Savigliano; Prof. Zhang Xiao-Xiong, chairman of the Department of Dance, TNUA; Prof. Leigh Warren from Australia; and Prof. Munguntsetseg Munkhbadrakh from Mongolia. The academic papers presented at the event discussed various subjects, including traditional dances in China and Malaysia, and parent-children interactions through dance programs. There were also several performances by dancers from various countries, showcasing the styles and skills of dance of their countries.

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