北藝大音樂系於116日舉辦小提琴大師班,邀請到國際知名小提琴家林昭亮教授進行一對一的示範教學與指導。 此次大師班由提琴組陳弈勇、賴苡璇、林語荷、張暐伃等三組同學們分別演奏《J.S. Bach: Partita No. 3 in E major, BWV 1006 》、《E.Grieg Sonata No.2, Op.13 Movt.I Lento doloroso - Allegro vivace》、《S.Prokofiev:Sonata for 2 Violins》等曲目,再由林昭亮教授從技法、音準、節奏等段落細節應如何詮釋分別做一說明。

  現任教於美國萊斯大學Shepherd 音樂學院的林昭亮教授此行也特別勉勵同學們,除要多加練習之外,只要有演出機會,不管演出場域之大小,或是觀眾數之多寡,都要把握機會去參與,不斷累積不同演出的經驗,因為「練習」與「演出」是有著相當程度的差異。



攝影 王世邦

Renowned violinist Cho-Liang Lin gave a master class at TNUA’s Department of Music on November 6, offering students one-on-one instructions on the skills of playing the violin. Prof. Lin, currently a member of the faculty of The Shepherd School of Music at Rice University, explained in detail how to play J.S. Bach’s “Partita No. 3 in E major, BWV 1006,” E. Grieg’s “Sonata No. 2, Op. 13 Movt. I Lento doloroso - Allegro vivace,” and S. Prokofiev’s “Sonata for 2 Violins.” He told the students that they should practice as much as possible and seize every opportunity to perform publicly, regardless of the sizes of the concerts. This is a way to build up one’s experience, as practices and actual performances are considerably different. Asked how he would choose his violin bows, Prof. Lin said that he has developed since childhood a habit of playing a violin with different brands of bows. He said any bow that can bring out the best of a violin is a good bow, and there is no reason to stick to a single brand of bows for a specific violin. Talking about how musicians should prepare at the last moments ahead of a concert, Prof. Lin said that before going onto the stage, the musician must spare enough time for dressing up, doing some practice, calming down and freeing himself or herself from any interference. He said the performance on stage is meant for each and every member of the audience, and the musician must convey to them what he or she wants to convey through the musical expressions.

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