國立臺北藝術大學音樂學院於522日與美國田納西大學音樂學院(The University of Tennessee)正式簽署合作備忘錄,未來兩校將就師生教學、展演、交換等各項交流計畫進行多面向的互動與合作。

    簽約儀式上分別由李葭儀副校長與該校音樂學院Jeffrey Pappas院長分別代表學校簽署合約,音樂系盧文雅主任、王美齡教授、陳彥豪老師,以及胡志龍老師等人也一同出席,雙方並期未來能落實各項合作計畫與展開各類型之互動交流。稍早,專長於合唱指揮的Jeffrey Pappas院長也特別到系上與合唱團進行交流,同時參訪學院的各項軟硬體設備。

    美國田納西大學於1794年成立,是一所具有兩百多年歷史的美國旗艦大學之一。而牽起此次合作機緣的是獲選2007年傑出校友,音樂學系碩士班87級校友胡志龍老師,胡老師現任該校鋼琴組專任教師。此行胡志龍老師也將於529日與來自該校音樂學院的Miroslav Hristov 老師分別舉辦鋼琴與大提琴大師班,屆時歡迎有興趣的師生一同參與。

TNUA School of Music signs MOU with School of Music at University of Tennessee The TNUA School of Music has signed a memorandum of understanding with the School of Music at the University of Tennessee (UT) for cooperation. The two schools will increase their interactions with plans for exchanging students and teachers, staging performances, and arranging exhibitions. The MOU was signed during a ceremony held on May 22 by TNUA Vice President Prof. Chia-Yi Lee and Prof. Jeffrey Pappas, director of the UT School of Music, on behalf of their respective schools. The signing was witnessed by Prof. Wen-Yea Lu, chairperson of the TNUA Department of Music, Prof. Mei-Ling Wang and others. Earlier, Prof. Pappas, who specializes in choral conducting, visited the Department of Music, chatting with its choir and taking a look of its facilities. UT was established in 1794. The cooperation between the two universities was the result of efforts by UT Prof. Chih-Long Hu, who received an outstanding alumnus award from TNUA in 2007. Prof. Hu, who obtained a master’s degree from the TNUA Department of Music, now Sandra G. Powell Endowed Professor of Piano at the UT School of Music. Prof. Hu and his colleague from UT, Prof. Miroslav Hristov, gave master classes on piano and cello, respectively, on May 29.

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