
在同一時間接續登場的另有關渡美術館舉辦之「關渡雙年展暨國際論壇」、「關渡電影節」、「關渡動畫節」,以及「關渡光藝術節」,結合跨國與跨領域之藝術呈現,透過不同之展演形式,一同近距離來體驗與感受藝術多元的內涵與想像。 邁入第26年頭的「關渡藝術節」,超過百餘個協力單位共同參與,也和法國在台協會及臺北歌德學院合作,分別推薦和邀集專業藝術團體,一同展開整整一個月,不停歇的表演藝術馬拉松。



2018 關渡藝術節」節目內容聚焦於跨國與跨域的合作,舉例來說.包括北藝大校友團隊丞舞製作團隊(B. DANCE) 之《Blah Blah Blah》、柴幸男X莎妹工作室X再現劇團帶來之《台北東京距離計畫》。另外,北藝大舞蹈學院與西澳表演藝術學院帶來跨校聯演《士兵彌撒・上升》,重現國際舞壇巨擘季里安(Jiri Kylian)經典作品《士兵彌撒》與兩支風格獨具的舞作《阻力》與《潘狄亞》。 至於戲劇節目部分,《Level With Me》為北藝大戲劇系張啟豐主任與姐妹校泰國朱拉隆功大學Chula’s Academic Services Center of Arts執行主任Joe Piyawat教授共同領導積極推動,以「移地計畫」方式,一步步具現之兩校合作呈現。 另在音樂節目部分,除有著名國際指揮家吉博.瓦格(Gilbert Varga)將帶領北藝大管絃樂團攜手合作演出外,北藝大室內樂團與歌劇班也將呈現貝里尼歌劇《夢遊女》。此外,傳統音樂學系則結合傳統與經典,推出南管戲南管戲傳統劇目《朱弁》之〈裁衣〉與〈公主別〉等精彩節目。

檔檔精彩,切勿錯過! 更多活動詳情請洽活動官網,網址為:kdaf.tnua.edu.tw/2018 或上FB粉絲專頁,搜尋「關渡藝術節」. 2018「關渡雙年展暨國際論壇」 105-201916 2018「關渡電影節」 1012-1019 2018「關渡國際動畫節」 1028-114 2018「關渡光藝術節」《游泳克》 112425

攝影 王世邦

The 2018 Kuandu Arts Festival (KDAF) will feature 21 art groups from Europe, Asia, as well as Taiwan in a month-long event with 45 activities beginning September 28. TNUA President Prof. Chen Kai-Huang noted at the press conference announcing the event that it is the 26th year since the first edition of KDAF. This year also sees collaboration with the Taipei Arts Festival, as well as Goethe Institut Taipei, which recommended and invited artists to the TNUA event. At the same time, TNUA will also hold the Kuandu Biennale at the Kuadu Museum of Fine Arts (KdMoFA), the Kuan-Du Film Festival, the KuanDu International Animation Festival, and the KuanDu Light Art Festival. Prof. Chien Lee-Zen, dean of the School of Theatre Arts who is artistic director of the 2018 KDAF, said this year’s event explores the integration of the traditional and the modern, as well as the relationships between the body and mind, in a multiplicity of artistic expressions. The 2018 KDAF focuses on cross-border and cross-disciplinary collaboration, such as the B.Dance troupe “Blah Blah Blah,” and “Soldier’s Masss. Rise” jointly staged by Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) and TNUA’s Department of Dance. In theatre, “Level with Me” is a work co-presented by TNUA and Chulalongkorn University’s Academic Services Center of Arts. In music, renowned conductor Gilbert Varga will conduct the TNUA Orchestra in a concert. The School of Music will also stage an opera, “La Sonnambula.” For more information, please visit: kdaf.tnua.edu.tw/2018; or KDAF’s Facebook page.

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