


「藝術漫遊者(Flâneur)計畫」於106年獲教育部青年署「大專院校學生國際體驗學習計畫」審查通過,其計畫下的課程「國際藝術網絡跨越學習」(Gap Year for International Art Networks)由前國際交流中心主任趙綺芳副教授所開設,針對本校大三以上(30歲以下,含研究生)學生設計國際體驗學習課程。課程引導學生體驗學習方向: ()跨文化藝術探查()跨國藝術教育思考()藝術社群的參與()藝術與產業的關係等細項內容,同時串連各學院來訪之國際專家學者擔任導引者,在課程中將習得海外自學企畫寫作、溝通與表達、國際觀與文化交流及語言指導,整合性培養藝遊者的基本素養。

整理報導 資料提供/ CTL 攝影/王世邦

Students who had traveled overseas under the "Flaneur" project presented their findings, including video clippings, writings and hand-made objects, in an exhibition at the Office of International Affairs from September 11 to 20. The exhibition showcased the experiences of a total of 25 "Flaneur" travelers who had embarked on their separate self-learning trips to countries including the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Turkey, Indonesia, Israel, Australia, Spain, Thailand, Japan and Nepal, for at least 14 days. They received sponsorships for the plane tickets and daily expenses for the summer trips, which were expected to give them a unique experience that would enhance their learning, creativity and career planning. The travelers were in an elective course offered by Prof. Min-Chin Chiang from the Graduate Institute of Architecture and Cultural Heritage. The course focused on cross-border learning and international art networks. The "Flaneur" project was approved by the Youth Development Administration under the Ministry of Education in 2017, encouraging cross-cultural investigation, cross-border arts education, participation in arts communities, and studies in relationships between and art and industry.

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    2018-11-27 00:00:00
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    2021-03-15 16:34:58