A Public Talk by Sandy Hsiu-chih Lo & Hongjohn Lin in Documenta 15

Source: 北藝大 CAMP documenta 15

At a time of urgent awareness of the epistemological and ontological issues at stake in contemporary artistic knowledge production, the theme of the documenta fifteen “Lumbung” is an ambitious statement of a progressive expansion of the collective based on its connotation of a social space and a platform for sharing public resources, which in turn retroactively defines what the common is.
The meeting is to create a collective discursive situation, which is much similar to the “Lumbung” strategies, embodying multiple heterogeneous alliances and endosymbiosis from within. Through communing the knowledge for the plural epistemologies yet to come, can articulate the marginalized disobedient practitioners and collectives.
We affirm the values of hybridity from the ethics of sharing and co-working as the politics of alliance that each group understands under the principle of equality in demonstrating local knowledge upheld by each group and respecting the irreducible heterogeneity of singularities.
Location: Fridericanum (GUDSKUL Area)
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