






  開幕節目《薪傳報喜迎年祭》與《靈獅藝動關渡門》 106日所舉辦之開幕節目《薪傳報喜迎年祭》與《靈獅藝動關渡門》活動,特別邀請到臺東寶桑部落薪傳少年營Papulu Tribe呈現卑南族大獵祭活動「semimusimuk」,藉由歌舞嬉鬧的方式來驅凶除穢,以迎接新的氣象。


  第二屆「關渡光藝術節」 點亮關渡夜晚新風貌 2016年北藝大新媒體藝術學系策劃執行舉辦「第一屆關渡光藝術節」這項有別傳統燈會做法,以「光」藝術為主題,強調科技媒體的藝術性,作品分佈於北藝大校園成為夜間地景藝術,藉此推廣新媒體藝術欣賞族群,一同點亮關渡夜晚山頭,展現全新樣貌,且備受各界讚譽後,今年第二屆「關渡光藝術節」將於106日緊接「關渡藝術節」開幕活動後正式登場,透過8件師生與校友等藝術團隊作品,再次邀請您來感受不一樣的「光」藝術盛會。


  關渡美術館年度大展「熱帶氣旋」 聚焦亞洲藝術策展新視野 關渡美術館年度大展「熱帶氣旋」即將於2017106日至1217日間展開。關渡美術館曾於2013年透過展覽計畫「亞洲巡弋」,邀請臺灣、日本、韓國及中國等四國策展人,針對臺灣當代藝術發展,各策劃一檔子題聯展。該實驗展不僅引入各種截然不同的策展觀點,同時間進一步地讓各國策展人密切與臺灣藝術家接觸及合作,更展現了臺灣當代藝術中源源不絕的能量。接續「亞洲巡弋」的精神,今年策展主題「熱帶氣旋」象徵著來自南方溫暖地帶的水氣,在凝結成暴風之後,為臺灣帶來策展觀點上的衝擊。

  配合此次展覽於106日於國際會議廳舉辦之「2017 亞洲當代藝術論壇 Asian Contemporary Art Forum」邀請來自臺灣、菲律賓、新加坡、孟加拉等亞洲各地的藝術經營者及策展人齊聚一堂,讓在地與國際的藝術專業人士能夠深入交流,建立一個以亞洲當代藝術連結為主的區域整合平台。

  「第九屆關渡電影節」邀集國內外優秀學生影視作品 建立合作交流平台 1013日開跑之「第九屆關渡電影節」,今年擴大邀請國內大專院校影視相關系所之學生優秀作品,希望促使「關渡電影節」作為學生優秀作品展現之平台。透過徵選共選出『北藝大學生作品單元』23部及『大專院校觀摩單元』16部作品,入選之影片將於影展中公開放映,並將邀請創作者到場參與座談。

  此外,觀摩影展節目,特別邀請了姐妹校香港演藝學院電影電視學院與以色列特拉維夫大學電影電視學院(Tel Aviv University)蒞校進行交流,特拉維夫大學不僅為以色列最具規模之大學,2014年被好萊塢報導者獲選為15所國際電影學校之一,於此次影展期間將舉辦工作坊與學生作品放映交流。74部作品,5場講座等活動將從1013日起至21日止,地點為北藝大藝文生態館三樓電影院,免費入場。

  免費播映6部動畫長片、近200部短片 舉辦大師工作坊與國際講座 滿滿活動不間斷 2017「關渡國際動畫節」將於1029日至115日展開為期8天的各項精彩活動。今年的開幕片邀請到法國與加拿大動畫公司聯合打造之2017年度動畫大作《芭蕾奇緣》。閉幕片則將播放美術風格精緻的法國2D動畫長片《漫漫北尋路》,該片曾榮獲2015法國安錫影展觀眾特別獎、2016東京動畫獎長片競賽類首獎等多項大獎。活動期間另也特別精選4部特映長片,包括榮獲2016加拿大奇幻電影節最佳電影長片《失心魔島:孤子》、榮獲72屆威尼斯影展評審團大獎的偶動畫長片《安諾瑪麗莎》、法國導演改編自同名格林童話,並獨力製作之水墨風格動畫長片「沒有手的女孩」,以及2016安錫影展觀眾票選獎及水晶獎雙料得主之瑞士動畫片《酷瓜人生》。

  此外,「關渡狗動畫獎KuanDog Prize」為每年動畫節之高潮,本屆報名的國家數量前所未有,共來自93個國家,報名件數高達2007部作品,類型多元,媒材豐富,涵蓋各式美術風格與題材,最終由評審團挑選出86部作品入圍競賽片,57部入圍觀摩片參與競賽,並將在114日閉幕典禮頒發最佳國際動畫獎、最佳學生獎、臺灣特別獎,及評審團特別獎等多項大獎。除在北藝大校園外,今年再度與新北市府中15動畫故事館、臺北當代藝術館及高雄市電影館等單位合作,舉辦巡迴播映及演講等活動。






攝影/ 王世邦

“Rendezvous” – the 2017 edition of the annual Kuandu Arts Festival – kicks off at TNUA in October, featuring artists and performers from Europe, the United States, Asia Pacific and Southeast Asia in four weeks of festivity and creativity. More than 10 groups of performers respectively from Spain, Switzerland, the United States, Mongolia, India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Laos, and Japan will present their art in the festival, which this year also marks the 35th anniversary of TNUA. TNUA President Prof. Chen Kai-Huang noted that the Kuandu Arts Festival started in 1990 as a showcase of the creativity of the university’s teachers and students, but since then it has evolved into a major international exchange platform where various types of arts and performances are presented. In the month-long event, people can enjoy different forms of art and feel the positive energy of art, Prof. Chen said. Through the Kuandu Arts Festival – as well as the KuanDu Light Art Festival, Kuandu Film Festival, Kuan-Du Film Festival, Kuandu International Animation Festival, and Fun Guandu held during the period – TNUA is not just presenting its creativity, but also aiming to build a bridge linking art and the people, Prof. Chen stressed. Prof. Chen pointed out that a lot of TNUA’s students, teachers and alumni performed in the opening and closing ceremonies of the recently concluded 2017 Universiade in Taipei, fully demonstrating their artistic energy, as well as Taiwan’s soft power in the form of arts and culture. Prof. Chen said he hopes the series of activities that TNUA is presenting will also attract as much public attention to art as Universiade did to sports. Extending a warm welcome to all visitors the October festivals, Prof. Chen also thanked the sponsors of the event, including La France a Taiwan, and China Development Industrial Bank Foundation. The dean of the School of Dance, Prof. Wang Yunyu, who serves as artistic director for the 2017 Kuandu Arts Festival, noted that art connects those performing on the stage and those watching from the spectator areas. TNUA is looking to break down the boundaries of art, creating links with the Asia Pacific areas, Europe and the Americas, Prof. Wang said. It is also gathering together the communities in Kuandu, offering them an artistic feast that suits audiences of all ages and disregards boundaries of any form. According to Prof. Wang, with the help of the TNUA Office of Research and Development, the festival this year will arrange several pre-event educational sessions for the elementary and junior high school students, as well as their parents, in the Kuandu area. During the sessions, they will have an opportunity to talk to artists and performers from various countries. The opening activity for the Kuandu Arts Festival is “Semimsimuk: Legacy and Celebration” on October 6. It will feature performers from Taitung’s Papulu Tribe, presenting a ritual of the indigenous Puyuma people that drives away the evil and initiates a fresh start. They will be joined by music, traditional music and dance students from TNUA who will performer a lion dance to the music of Nanguan and Beiguan. The Second KuanDu Light Art Festival will present eight pieces of light art installations – created by TNUA’s students, teachers and alumni – around the campus. The Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts will also unveil “Tropical Cyclone” on October 6 – an exhibition showcasing the impact on Taiwan from the “storm” formed by the “moistures” of the southern regions as far of exhibition curating is concerned. Held in tandem with the opening of the exhibition is the 2017 Asian Contemporary Art Forum, gathering together art managers and curators from Taiwan, the Philippines, Singapore and Bangladesh. The Kuan-Du Film Festival will screen 23 films by TNUA students, and another 16 from other colleges and universities. The School of Film and Television at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and the School of Film and TV at Tel Aviv University will set up workshops and screen their students’ films at the festival. The Kuandu International Animation Festival will present almost 200 short films in eight days from October 29 to November 5. Entries to the KuanDog Prize total 2,007 films from 93 countries. The jury has selected 86 films for the final round of the competition.

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