姊妹校德國呂貝克音樂院由Bernd Ruf教授率領該校爵士樂團蒞校交流,並於105日與由音樂系及IMPACT音樂學程同學們共同組成之北藝大聯合爵士樂團一同舉辦「 來搖擺吧! ― 德國呂貝克音樂院 Let’s Swing! ― MHL- TNUA Joint Big Band Concert」音樂會,一同呈現《Dieter Mack》、《Jakob Lakner》、《Hans-Christian Stephan》、《George Gershwin, arr. Sammy Nestico》等十餘首悅耳輕快爵士樂章,獲得全場觀眾熱烈迴響,掌聲不絕於耳,而這場音樂會也正式為2017關渡藝術節活動揭開序曲。


  這是繼今年4Bernd Ruf教授蒞校舉辦「跨界音樂國際交流— Big Band工作坊」後的第二度來訪,此行他並率領該校爵士樂團前來交流。Bernd Ruf教授是現今樂壇最富經驗與最具創造力的跨領域音樂家,為結合古典交響樂與流行音樂的開創者之一。至今三十多年來他指揮了多種不同形式的樂團:交響樂團、室內樂團與弦樂團、大樂隊與音樂劇、合唱團與管樂團。在工作中,他尋求來自不同文化背景的音樂家之間的連結,與經由了解與討論所激盪出來的火花。他與非洲、亞洲、拉丁美洲音樂家和爵士搖滾樂手們合作,進而發展出獨樹一格的管弦樂曲目,即「混合交響樂」(Crossover Symphonies)。

  而來自德國呂貝克音樂院爵士樂團(MHL Big Band)由Bernd Ruf教授自2008年創立,在他領導下以極短時間內發展為德國北部頂尖爵士樂團之一。此年輕樂團於2014年至美國加州巡演,於聖地牙哥(San Diego)、富勒頓(Fullerton)及舊金山(San Francisco)等城市演出。2014年發行首張專輯「無止境地改變呂貝克之音」(Timeless Changes – Lübeck Sounds),專輯中的當代歐洲爵士風格曲目,受到美國觀眾與爵士樂手如Jim LinahonBill CunliffeBill Yaeger熱烈歡迎與讚賞。此次訪台,呂貝克音樂院爵士樂團將詮釋新的曲目,亦為「呂貝克之音」續集,其中包含由呂貝克當地作家暨諾貝爾文學獎得主Günter Grass詩作所譜成的作品。

  德國呂貝克音樂院爵士樂團名錄 長笛 吳亞荃 薩克斯風 Jana Frank C. De TroyerLeon SladkySanta BukovskaSonia CherepanovaIvan Tumanov 小號 Jorge Jose Herrada RomeroRoman KupriianovHans Martin BernerWiebke HahnJan Benedikt Lange 長號 Moritz LöfflerKonstantin KappeDaria Magdalena SutulaOskar KlemptDavid Krieger 電吉他 Vincent Marian Dellwig 鍵盤/鋼琴 Sven Alexander RieperIlja Ruf 電貝斯 Michael Thomas KnarrKonrad Fritz Fischer 爵士鼓/擊樂 Jon Ander KleinPatrick HussKristoph Krabbenhöft 北藝大爵士樂團名錄 薩克斯風 張晏瑋、陳麒鈞、李浩然、侯穎妤、黃昶翰 法國號 張顥嚴、郭少融、林冠妤、鄭欣倫 小號 陽宜娟、羅懷聰、林懷恩、張凱鈞、陳清杉、邱昱瑋、卓黃大祐 長號 洪毓婕、徐國倫、陳凌瑄、張雅筑 木吉他/電吉他 陳秋翔、蔡巽洋、張家豪、José Alejandro Cálix 鍵盤/鋼琴 陳右靜、孔書亞、林侑賢、鄭慶萱、周煌庭 低音提琴 黃薏涵、劉沛盈 電貝斯 劉鳳武 爵士鼓/擊樂 黃昱寧、林奇葳、劉懿、周佑霖、黃亦翔


Prof. Bernd Ruf and a band from Germany’s Musikhochschule Lübeck (MHL) joined TNUA students from the Department of Music and IMPACT program to give a jazz concert on October 5 to raise the curtain on the Kuandu Arts Festival. “Let’s Swing! – MHL-TNUA Joint Big Band Concert” presented a memorable night for the audience with about a dozen jazz pieces by Dieter Mack, Jakob Lakner, Hans-Chrstian Stephan, George Gershwin and others. Mr. Stacey Wei, a jazz musician from the National Theater and Concert Hall, also took part in the performance, and conducted some of the pieces of the night. One of the encore pieces that concluded “Let’s Swing” was a jazz version of TNUA’s school song. The concert marked the second visit that Prof. Ruf has made to TNUA since April 2017 when he conducted a “Big Band” workshop in preparation for the “Let’s Swing” joint performance. Prof. Ruf is a pioneer in promoting crossover between classical and popular music. Over the past three decades he has conducted different forms of performance: symphonic orchestras, chamber music, big bands, musicals, choirs and brass bands. He has been seeking links between music from different cultural backgrounds, and his collaboration with African, Asian, Latin American and jazz musicians has inspired his unique “crossover symphonies.” In 2008, Prof. Ruf founded the MHL Big Band, which has since become one of the top jazz bands in Germany. In 2014, the band had a tour in California, performing in San Diego, Fullerton and San Francisco. In the same year, it released its first album, “Timeless Changes – Lubeck Sounds,” winning plaudits from the American audiences and jazz musicians such as Jim Linahon, Bill Cunliffeand Bill Yaeger.

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