於2017年「以舞會友 Dance in Proximity」國際舞蹈研討會的首場專題講座由來自加州大學河濱分校(UCR)與加州大學洛杉磯分(UCLA)榮譽教授Marta Savigliano女士受邀蒞校開講,她以「如舞之繽紛:從世界舞蹈看文化轉譯與親近性 / Dancerly Divides: Cultural Translation and Proximity: From a World Dance Perspective」為題,探討世界舞蹈進入當代舞蹈圈後,如何重新形塑過往以西方視野所框架的舞蹈本質。

  Savigliano教授在講座中說明,以「世界」為類別,與以「舞蹈」作為美學的運動,兩者的結合回應了現代化的處境。然而,「世界舞蹈」在界定和歸類上卻尚無定論,而究竟該如何界定、又該由誰來界定「世界舞蹈」,這當中取決於大眾對於美學、種族、政治等諸多面向的理解。 她認為,世界舞蹈的不確定性,使其發展有著諸多的可能。鑒於世界舞蹈本身就已存在,因此相較於找尋,如何集結並以理論來理解世界舞蹈,進而加以規範,並成立學門,才是現階段面臨的重要議題。


  「世界舞蹈」的差異性為何?其角色是建構於世界邊陲,抑或是中心位置?是否涵蓋本土與世界對立的觀點?當中的倫理、政治與差異性又該如何詮釋?針對以上問題,Marta Savigliano教授提出了「睦鄰關係」,其意指彼此親近、卻可能因政治因素,而保留敵對意識的衝突狀態。她並進一步探討了全球化的情勢下,定義世界舞蹈的特權階級。 Savigliano教授表示,世界舞蹈的建構,關乎對於差異性的迷戀,學者、藝評和藝術家可能會挑選特定的舞者,進而建立起世界舞蹈的表現形式。單就字面義而言,「世界舞蹈」應涵蓋所有舞蹈形式,但就目前所談論的「世界舞蹈」,卻是泛指過往被視為「其他舞蹈」的表演形式。她強調,當世界舞蹈成為一種領域時,其吸納了各個領域的舞蹈類型,藉由差異吸引大型,或主流舞蹈圈的注意。此外,在全球化的局勢下,世界舞蹈帶來不同的思維與消費方式,擴張舞蹈圈原本的範疇,而觀眾則藉此想像跨越種族、國界與族群的融合。


  Marta Savigliano教授此行以「世界舞蹈」作為開場,並於接續的「親密政治:全球化下探戈舞的熱情經濟」阿根廷探戈週中,與舞蹈學院、文資學院文創產業國際藝術碩士學位學程(IMCCI)等師生們針對探討探戈(Tango)舞蹈中的親密政治等議題,並搭配相關之電影放映和舉辦「身體文化研究之新方法學」、「親密的政治:探戈電影與觀光工業」等工作坊活動,帶領與會師生們重新思考,並定義其舞蹈內涵。

/ 李尚喬 攝影/ 王世邦

Prof. Marta E. Savigliano from the University of California, Riverside (UCR) gave a lecture at the “Dance in Proximity” international symposium held at TNUA in November. The title of the talk, “Dancerly Divides: Cultural Translation and Proximity: From a World Dance Perspective,” explored how the concept of world dance, which used to be understood within a western framework, has been reshaped on the contemporary stage. Prof. Savigliano noted that “world” as a category and “dance” as an aesthetic movement combine in response to modernity. However, world dance has yet to see a clear definition and categorization. It remains an issue as to how world dance should be defined and categorized, and who should make the decisions. It involves the public’s understanding of aesthetics, race, and politics, she said. She held that the uncertainty of world dance gives it many possibilities. But as world dance already exists, the most pressing work at present is to theorize it and turn it into a discipline. The existence of world dance has institutionalized “Other” dance, and enriched Dance already known to people. The meeting of the pair has enabled the establishment of the parameters for world dance, reshaping dance as a whole and its representation, she said. As world dance has the concept of “Other” dance inscribed in it, any discussion of world dance must seek to understand how “the Other” is formed, she added. World dance breaks the existing framework of dance and further comes as a critique of decolonization and post-colonialism, she said. As a counter force against globalization, world dance must address and resist over-simplified cultural relativism and the obsession with the Other. She stressed that world dance is not only an artistic representation, but also an interpretation of geopolitics.

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