德國聯邦國會「教育、研究暨技術評估」委員會Tankred Schipanski議員及「經濟暨能源委員會」Axel Knoerig議員一行於外交部人員陪同下於1128日蒞校進行參訪,此行主要拜會陳愷璜校長,並就藝術教育等議題與校內主管們進行會晤,雙方意見交流。

  德國Tankred Schipanski議員參訪團一行除兩位議員外,另包括柏林市「市民暨相關秩序事務局」Erik Voigt局長、柏林SRH大眾藝術大學(Hochschule der populären Künste,簡稱HDPK)媒體學Anges Schipanski教授,及CALA公司Lars Laschinski執行長等貴賓。

  對談過程中,陳愷璜校長針對北藝大校務發展現況與國際鏈結等議題進行說明。陳校長表示,北藝大迄今與歐洲的姊妹校20餘所高等藝術院校中,其中在德國的結盟部分,如柏林藝術大學(Berlin University of the Arts)、德國呂貝克音樂院(Musikhochschule Lübeck)、德特蒙音樂學院(Hochschule für Musik Detmold)與卡塞爾大學(Universität Kassel)交流領域涵括音樂、美術、視覺傳達、藝術與媒體等多元面向,實質交流成效卓著。

  陳校長並提到,除了國際姐妹校之互動合作外,北藝大自2014年起擔任亞洲藝術院校聯盟(Asian League of Institutes of Arts, ALIA)理事學校主席,除積極串連會員間合作交流,並拓展新會員的加入外,另也與歐洲藝術院校聯盟(ELIA) 進行互動,共同為ALIAELIA搭建起歐亞雙邊人才培育、流通之機會與可能性,建立起世界夥伴關係。

  Tankred Schipanski議員則談到,這些年他曾走訪不同學家的高等藝術教育院校,此行造訪北藝大,留下十分深刻的印象。HDPK大學Anges Schipanski教授於會中也表示,位於柏林的HDPK其課程內容涵闊藝術、技術、媒體等專業,衷心樂見未來兩校能建立起實質的交流合作管道。

Two members of the German parliament, Mr. Tankred Schipanski and Mr. Axel Knoerig, met with TNUA President Prof. Chen Kai-Huang and other administrators during their visit to the university on November 28. The members of parliament were accompanied to the visit by some other guests of honor from Germany: Berlin city official Mr. Erik Voigt; Prof. Anges Schipanski from SRH Hochschule der popularen Kunste (HDPK); and Mr. Lars Laschinski fro CALA. Prof. Chen gave the visitors a brief introduction to TNUA’s development and its international ties, noting that TNUA has sister ties with more than 20 higher institutions for the arts in Europe, such as the Berlin University of the Arts, Musikhochschule Lubeck, Hochschule fur Musik Detmold, and Universitat Kassel. The sisters schools cover various fields, including music, fine arts, and multimedia, and TNUA’s exchanges with them have been very impressive. Prof. Chen noted that TNUA has also been serving as the chair for the Asian League of Institutes of Arts (ALIA) since 2014, and apart from promoting exchanges and cooperation among members, it has also built up strong ties with the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA). Mr. Schipanski said he had visited many higher institutions of the arts over the years, and he was deeply impressed by TNUA. Prof. Schipanski said HDPK offers artistic and technological programs, as well as studies of media theory. She expressed the hope that HDPK and TNUA can build up substantial channels for exchange and cooperation between the two sides.

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