由傳統音樂學系負責籌劃之「亞洲音樂舞蹈跨文化交流合創計畫」自11月底展開與泰國姐妹校布拉帕大學(Burapha University)之兩校互訪活動,兩校師生除了相互造訪學習、舉辦工作坊外,於12月6日由傳音系、舞蹈系、音樂系師生與該校表演藝術系Noppon Jamreantong主任與Manit
Theppatimaporn老師、音樂系 Phongsathorn Sutham老師等組成團隊,假北投慈后宮舉辦合創演出,呈現一場融合臺泰兩地不同樂風與舞作的精采表演。
此次演出節目包括有臺灣南管、當代琵琶樂曲、北管鼓吹樂,以及結合臺灣北部開口獅、武術、泰國神獸Toh及Kingala,搭配南管、北管、琵琶、泰國Klong Khon Yao鼓和Mong鑼之兩校師生合創呈現。
傳音系於2011年起持續與泰國布拉帕大學交流。其中,傳音系於2016夏天以「臺泰你好嗎」計畫,讓八位參與師生赴泰國布拉帕大學進行師生合創。當時演出之內容包含臺灣獅、武術、泰國「Toh舞蹈」與「Kingala舞蹈」,結合臺灣傳統樂與泰國鑼鼓樂,共同呈現雙獅的相遇,而這樣的合創演出,促使布拉帕大學師生特地赴北方Tai Yai(傣族)地區進行田調,也為今年兩校再次合作奠定下良好的基礎。
此外,今年4月傳音系開設之「泰國音樂」課程邀請到該校MUPA音樂與表演學院Sanchai Uaesilapa院長與Phongsatorn Sutham老師一同蒞校授課,進行三週密集的課程教學與排練,並舉辦成果發表會,透過「Pi Phat」(打擊樂)與「Khruang Sai」(絲竹樂)兩種不同的樂團形式,共同呈現六首泰國傳統經典樂章,Sanchai Uaesilapa院長亦於今夏再度來訪,支援本校受文化總會邀演「仲夏來尞」之泰國樂團服裝設計與排練。近年來兩校實質互動之密切與頻繁,也展現了臺灣懷抱多元文化的特質。
於11 月的交流計畫中,則是融入臺灣傳統音樂、泰國音樂和舞獅身段(包括臺灣獅和泰國獅)相互交流學習,結合音樂、舞蹈和傳統工藝,進行跨文化、跨領域藝術合創,最後以展演形式呈現學習合創之成果。首先於20日,北藝大師生團隊包括傳音系、舞蹈系、音樂系等師生團隊一行20餘人前往泰國,並在Sanchai Uaesilapa院長、音樂系Koji
而在結束泰國的交流活動後,泰國布拉帕大學教師群包括表演藝術學院表演藝術系Noppon Jamreantong主任與Manit
Theppatimaporn老師、音樂系 Phongsathorn Sutham老師則在12月初蒞校舉辦泰國「吹管樂Pinai」、「Kingala舞蹈」(結合Klong
Khon Yao鼓伴奏)、「Toh舞蹈」,以及「吹管樂Pichawa」等工作坊,帶領傳音系與舞蹈系學生們深入學習與認識泰國傳統樂舞,並於北投慈后宮展開合創演出,除了於泰國演出臺灣樂舞之原班人馬,泰國鑼鈔和「Toh」舞蹈皆由傳音系學生擔任,一同為落實臺泰藝術文化交流,寫下新頁。
攝影 王世邦 泰國資料照片提供/ 傳音系
TNUA’s Department of Traditional Music and its sister school in
Thailand, Burapha University, conducted a series of exchange activities
starting at the end of November, with students and teachers from both sides
visiting one another and giving workshops. The activities were arranged in line
with the Department of Traditional Music’s Asian music and dance exchange
program. On December 6, students and teachers from TNUA’s Department of
Traditional Department of Music, and Department of Dance joined Burapha’s Prof.
Noppon Jamreantong, Prof. Manit Theppatimaporn, and Prof. Phongsathorn Sutham
in staging a performance blending the dances and music of Taiwan and Thailand
at a temple in Taipei. The performance was a mix of Taiwan’s nanguan and
beiguan music, contemporary pipa music, as well as Taiwanese lion dance,
martial arts and Thailand’s mythical animals. The musical instruments featured
included nanguan, beiguan, pipa and Thailand’s Klong Kho Yao and Mong. Prof.
Ling-Huei Tsai, chairperson of the Department of Traditional Music, who is in
charge of the exchange program, said that thanks to increasing trade and
cultural ties between Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries, the Department of
Traditional Music long-term efforts promoting Asian dance and music exchange
can continue. She said she hopes the program can strengthen cross-boundary
music and cultural cooperation with Thailand, India and others. She expressed
the hope of building long-term cooperation and exchange mechanisms with other
Asian countries. Prof. Tsai pointed out that over the past few years, the
Department of Traditional Music has already offered master classes and
workshops for Japanese koto and shamisen, as well as music of the Philippines,
Vietnam, India, Okinawa, Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand. The Department of
Traditional Music has also continued to incorporate Asian music and
cross-cultural courses into its regular curriculum, she noted. The Department
of Traditional Music has been running exchange activities with Burapha
University since 2011, including sending eight of its students and teacher to a
visit to the Thailand school in the summer of 2016. During the visit, both
sides jointly staged a performance blending the dances and music of Taiwan and