邁入三月的最後一週,來自新加坡拉薩爾藝術學院(Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore)Venka Purushothaman副校長與美國印第安那大學(Indiana University,簡稱IU)之外賓們陸續蒞校進行拜會,並分別就師生交流等各項合作計畫,與陳愷璜校長、李葭儀副校長、國交中心郭昭蘭主任、關美館林宏璋館長等校內主管們進行意見交流,另順道也造訪關渡美術館、藝科中心展覽室等校園景點。
新加坡拉薩爾藝術學院為ALIA監事會員學校,去年十月也曾於該校舉辦「2017理監事會議」。於26日來訪的Venka Purushothaman副校長除拜會陳愷璜校長及實地參訪校園外,他也邀請北藝大研究生們前來申請每年暑期(七月)於該校舉辦的「Tropical Lab」計畫。這項計畫每年會邀請來自世界各國不同的美術創作背景研究生們齊聚一堂(通常約25人),在幾週的課程中,安排工作坊的上課形式,透過跨文化的思維,彼此激發創意,進行實驗創作。
另於30日來訪的美國印第安那大學柏明頓分校文理科學院(College of Arts and Sciences) 副國際事務長Russell Valentino與協理Rita
Koryan,以及Liz Shea、Arthur Liou等教授們組成的參訪團,此行主要為洽談兩校簽署合作備忘錄(MOU)之內容,以及未來如何進行實質合作,進行討論與提案。其中,因去年北藝大焦點舞團曾受邀至該校進行演出,此次Liz Shea老師也特地造訪舞蹈系,並與系上教師進行會晤與交流。
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Guests of honor from Singapore’s Lasalle College of the Arts and
the United States’ Indiana University (IU) visited TNUA during the last week of
March. Prof. Venka Purushothaman, vice president (academic) and provost at
Lassalle, received a warm welcome from TNUA President Prof. Chen Kai-Huang
during his visit. Prof. Purushothaman extended an invitation for TNUA’s
graduate students to attend Lassalle’s “Tropical Lab” program in July 2018. The
annual program has been bringing together graduate students (usually about 25
each year) from various countries and artistic backgrounds for a few weeks,
sharing their ideas and doing experimental projects in workshops. On March 30,
a delegation from Indiana University Bloomington (IUB) visited TNUA. The
delegation included: Prof. Russell Valentino, associate dean, International
Affairs, College of Arts and Sciences; Ms. Rita Koryan, assistant vice
president, International Affairs; and Prof. Liz Shea; and Prof. Arthur Liou.
Both sides discussed matters concerning the signing of an MOU between the two
universities and ideas for further exchange. TNUA’s Focus Dance Company staged
a performance at IUB last year. Prof. Shea also met with the professors of
TNUA’s Department of Dance during the March visit.