姐妹校泰國朱拉隆功大學(Chulalongkorn UniversityMACM (Master of Arts in Cultural Management Program) 碩士學程Duang-Kamol Chartprasert主任於322日率團蒞校參訪,此行主要拜會陳愷璜校長,並與文資學院商談未來雙方合作等相關事宜。 北藝大自2011年起先由音樂學院與該校簽署院級合約協議,多年來互動頻繁,且於201711月,正式簽署校級MOU,期讓兩校之合作交流拓展至更多元的專業領域。


    此行來訪除MACM主任Duang-Kamol Chartprasert外,另包括Suppakorn Disatapundhu Ritirong JiwakanonPunthumadee Katawandee等老師。 其中,Suppakorn Disatapundhu老師曾代表該校參與北藝大舉辦之ALIA國際會議,這次他特別安排一場講座,來與IMCCI學生們說明泰國當代藝術文化發展之概況。另外,參訪團一行也順道走訪關渡美術館、藝科中心展覽室與戲劇廳等校園景點,欣賞焦點舞團練習綵排,體驗不同文化的藝術氛圍洗禮。

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Prof. Duang-Kamol Chartprasert, who heads the Master of Arts in Cultural Management Program (MACM) at Thailand’s Chulalongkorn University (CU), visited TNUA on March 22. Prof. Chartprasert, who was leading a delegation from CU, met with TNUA President Prof. Chen Kai-Huang and other administrators, including: Prof. Chang Wan-chen, dean of the School of Culture Resources; Prof. Huei-Ling Liu, chairperson of the Graduate Institute of Art Administration and Management; and Prof. Ya-Tin Lin, chairperson of the International Master of the Arts Program in Cultural and Creative Industries (IMCCI). They discussed how the Thailand sister school can work with TNUA’s School of Culture Resources to promote exchange programs between the sides. The two universities have maintained close ties since TNUA’s School of Music signed a faculty-level collaboration agreement with CU in 2011. In November 2017, TNUA and CU formally signed an MOU for further expand the exchange between the two sides. IMCCI is an international program with English as its medium of instruction. CU’s MACM is master’s degree program with all courses taught entirely in English. The two sides hope to establish an exchange platform for both porgrams’ teachers and students. Other visitors from CU included Prof. Suppakorn Disatapundhu, Prof. Ritirong Jiwakanon and Prof. Punthumadee Katawandee. Prof. Disatapundhu had previously visited TNUA as a representative of CU at a conference of the Asian League of Institutes of the Arts (ALIA).

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