藝術與科技中心《未來媒體跨界狂潮》講座展演系列今年首場活動邀請到德國藝術家Lars Koepsel老師蒞校開講。會中透過影像投影說明這些年來他與臺灣藝術家間的合作過程,和師生們一同分享如何建構坐落於德國慕尼黑「藝術公寓」(AoA)之根基,使其扮演搭起兩國當代藝術交流之角色,與創造具有藝術價值的生產過程。

    Lars Koepsel老師的藝術創作大部分都是手寫的文本,並在觀念上,更趨近於哲學的框架。他同時也是位臺灣女婿,自與妻子謝麗媚女士結褵以來,臺灣變成了他的第二個家。這些年來,Lars Koepsel老師不僅和多位臺灣藝術家成為朋友,也在臺灣展開不同之計畫和展覽。其中包括在竹圍工作室(1997年)、伊通公園ITPARK2010年)、非常廟藝文空間(2014年)等,而這些策展計畫與經驗讓他更深入瞭解臺灣,並對其當代藝術產生興趣。

    「藝術公寓」(AoA)坐落於慕尼黑市中心藝術區域,為一個獨立且免費供藝術家使用的藝術空間。Lars Koepsel老師說到,為與臺灣當代藝術家自建立起緊密的連結,創造一個臺灣與慕尼黑兩地間,一個穩定而具指標性的藝術家駐村交換計畫,自2013年起,他開始於慕尼黑經營一家獨立藝術空間「藝術公寓」(AoA),負責籌劃慕尼黑與臺灣之間的藝術和駐村交換計畫,讓兩地間的藝術家們相互往來與進行交流。目前「藝術公寓」的合作夥伴包括慕尼黑市政府、臺北國際藝術村以及臺北歌德學院,迄今也舉辦許多兩地的藝術家的交流與展覽合作,備受好評。

    QA時間,學生們也提問在「藝術公寓」(AoA)的作品中是否會展出有關於國家認同等帶有政治色彩的創作,Lars Koepsel老師不諱言的表示,臺灣的藝術家在德國展覽時,對於這方面的議題處理通常會十分小心。舉例來說,在當地甚至也有畫廊或展演空間明白表示由於背後的贊助商是來自大陸,所以不展出臺灣藝術家的作品。再者,在德國現在的年輕藝術家因需考量其藝術市場,加上自我保護的心態較強,所以對於政治相關議題的創作琢磨不多。

    此外,對於學生提問到跨領域的創作趨勢,Lars Koepsel老師表示,在德國的藝術發展,跨領域的合創是自然產生的過程,但近年來他也察覺到,似乎走向有點過度;而新媒系王俊傑主任則加以說明,東西方的藝術文化發展本大為不同,對藝術的整體性思考也截然不同,一般而言,亞洲對於藝術本位將各領域切割劃分出來,因此,近年來常聽到的「跨領域」創作,也是臺灣想要打開與國際對話的一個方式。

 攝影 王世邦 #「藝術公寓」(AoA #臺北歌德學院 Lars Koepsel

Koepsel talks about how he bridges Munich and Taiwan The Center for Art and Technology featured Mr. Lars Koepsel in a talk about his collaboration with Taiwanese artists over the years. In his talk, “Building a Bridge,” Mr. Koepsel explained how he set up “AoA” in 2013, creating a space in Munich dedicated to bridging Taiwanese artists with the city. AoA partners currently include the Munich city government, Taipei Artist Village and the Goethe Institut Taipei. AoA has organized many exhibitions and exchange activities featuring artists from Taiwan and Munich. The German artist, whose wife is Taiwanese, has also been involved in various exhibitions and programs in Taiwan over the years, including an residency at the Bamboo Curtain Studio in 1997, iAart at ITPark in 2010, and his solo exhibition “Exercises of Emptiness” at Taipei’s VT Artsalon in 2014. All these projects have allowed him to understand Taiwan more, he said. Answering a question from his audience at the talk about whether AoA would run projects carrying political agendas, Mr. Koepsel said Taiwanese artists usually have been very cautious about political issues when exhibiting in Munich. Some galleries in Munich who have sponsorships from China have made it very clear that they will not exhibit works by Taiwanese artists, he noted. He added that many young artists in Germany have been rather conservative about political issues because of self-protection and the realities of the art market.

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