由國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系與臺灣科技藝術學會共同主辦之2018年「第四屆科技藝術國際學術研討會 The 4th International
Symposium of Art and Technology」於5月18日起一連三天假國際會議廳正式登場。本屆研討會期從科技藝術在跨領域的發展面向出發,從現今科技發展的面貌如何結合文化藝術,轉化並融入創新藝術教育與展示科技等議題進行深入的探討。
這次研討會主題為「新媒體藝術與前瞻跨領域教育 New Media Art and Foresight Cross-Disciplinary Education」,即為從跨領域的角度出發,探討新媒體藝術介入文化與美學建構的各種面向,特別是在教育推展的創新思維,因此,研討會子題涵括「新媒體藝術發展脈絡與未來趨勢」針對科技藝術在藝術發展以及跨領域議題的研究;「跨領域藝術教育趨勢與方法」針對STEAM等創新教學在創客與科學領域結合藝術的研究討論及案例分享;「創新展示科技與教育」針對科技結合創新展示的研究及技術整合應用。
至於在專題講座部分,則分別邀請到臺灣創意設計中心張基義董事長、中華民國藝評人協會林志明理事長、德國柏林藝術大學Kora Kimpel教授、北京清華大學信息藝術設計學系副教授和臺灣科技藝術學會邱誌勇理事長分別就設計、科技、藝術教育等多項主題和與會者們進行經驗分享。
而創作發表部分則邀集藝術家林子荃、汪紹綱、鄧雯馨、潘正育、林月霞、王新仁、李炳曄、莊志雄、張永達、NAXS Corp、姚仲涵與北藝大新媒系103級畢業班等就其作品等影音錄像多媒材創作之內容進行解說。
攝影 黃湧恩 吳俊諺
The 4th International Symposium of Art and Technology, a
three-day event jointly organized by the TNUA Department of New Media and the
Taiwan Art & Technology Association, opened on May 18. The symposium, with
“New Media Art and Foresight Cross-Disciplinary Education” as its main theme,
discussed various issues concerning cross-boundary development between art and
technology. The activities featured in the three-day event included lectures,
teaching demonstrations, experience sharing, workshops, academic paper and
creative art presentations, and roundtables. It gathered more than 100 experts,
scholars, art educators and students from Taiwan and other countries. Subthemes
of the event focused on the future trends and developments of new media, the
future trends and developments of cross-disciplinary art education, and
research on innovative technologies and their application to art and education.
Delivering a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the event on May 18,
TNUA President Prof. Chen Kai-Huang noted that “technology art” has changed
people’s lives over the past 50 years or so. It has brought technology to daily
life and changed the links between various aspects of society. Legislator
Rosalia Wu disclosed that the government is seeking to amend the education law
to improve art education. The most pressing work at present is to train
teachers and establish a teaching system, she said, adding that she hopes TNUA
can play a leading role in bringing changes to art education.