國立臺北藝術大學電影與新媒體學院與捷克布拉格表演藝術學院電影與電視學院(FAMU –
Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague)於10月17日分別由魏德樂院長與Zdeněk Holý院長代表簽署國際合作協議書,締約結盟,未來兩校師生將針對開拓「電影藝術」學術領域之發展,藉由合作研究和作品出版、課程訪問等活動進行各項交流。出席此次簽約儀式包括北藝大李葭儀副校長、電影系王童主任等兩校多位師生,一同見證這歷史性的一刻。
除進行兩校簽約儀式外,由Zdeněk Holý院長所率領的師生團,此次蒞校主要為參與於10月12月至19日,由電影系主辦之「2018關渡電影節」活動,並於影展期間帶來多部FAMU學生從2008年至2018年的優秀作品(25部短片1部長片)放映,同時舉辦映後座談與3場專題講座,分享該校師生參與影片製作與籌劃各類型影展之豐富經歷,與現場觀眾進行Q&A意見交流。
成立於1947年的FAMU是歐洲最古老的電影學校之一,1960 年代初期更為年輕藝術家運動的搖籃。後來發展出的「捷克電影新浪潮」造就了捷克電影迄今對世界電影藝術最重要的貢獻,也為捷克帶來了史上其中兩座「奧斯卡最佳外語片」的獎項,更躋身為「好萊塢報導者」年度最佳國際電影學校前15名單之列。
此外,FAMU為國際電影電視學校協會(CILECT)、歐洲藝術學院聯盟(ELIA)、歐洲電影電視學校集團(GEECT)和歐洲電影學院的創始成員,也是捷克電影學會(CEFS)的學術成員。該校目前設有5個經過認證的學術課程和11個科系,包括:導演系(KR)、紀錄片系(KDT)、電影攝影系(KK)、 編劇系(KSD)、動畫系(KAT)、聲音設計系(KZT)、剪接系(KSS)、製片系(KP)、視聽研究中心(CAS)、平面攝影系(KF)和 FAMU國際學系(FI)。
#北藝大國際交流 #FAMU #關渡電影節 攝影 王仲康
of Film and New Media signs cooperation pact with FAMU TNUA’s School of Film
and New Media has signed a pact of cooperation with the Film and TV School of
the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU). The agreement was signed by
Prof. Way Der-Lor, dean of the School of Film and New Media, and Prof. Zdenek
Holy, dean of FAMU, on behalf of their respective sides at a ceremony at TNUA
on October 17. The two sides aim to cooperate in academic studies on film art
through joint research and publications, and other exchange activities. The
signing of the agreement was witnessed by administrators and students from both
sides, including TNUA Vice President Prof. Chia-Yi Lee and Prof. Dong Sang,
chairperson of the Department of Filmmaking. The FAMU delegation, led by Prof.
Holy and consisting of other teachers and students from the Czech school, also
took part in various activities of the 2018 Kuan-Du Film Festival. The festival
screened many works (25 short films and one feature film) that FAMU student made
between 2008 and 2018. They also held three discussion sessions to share their
filmmaking experiences. Founded in 1947, FAMU is one of the oldest film schools
in Europe. It was the cradle of young film directors in the 1960s, and many of
them went on to become the backbone of the so-called “Prague wave,” which has
been the most remarkable contribution to the world’s film art by Czech
filmmakers. They have won two Oscar awards for best foreign-language films.
FAMU is a member of CILECT (International Association of Film and Television
Schools), ELIA (European League of Institutes of the Arts), and GEECT (European
Grouping of Film and Television Schools).