Prof. Fabienne Galangau Quérat from the French National Museum of Natural History has given a series of lectures during her recent two-week stay at TNUA.
She was invited to TNUA by the School of Culture Resources. During her stay between November 23 and December 8, she gave a series of classes at the School of Culture Resources.
The School of Culture Resources also jointly organized another talk by the French professor with the School of Fine Arts and the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts. This talk used the French museum as an illustration of the links between science and art.
Illustrating her talk with the art projects of René Allio, Camille Henrot and Janet Laurence, Prof. Galangau Quérat showed how artists could work with museums to express their concerns for social and environmental issues, such as biodiversity and global warming.
These projects have been attempts to reinvent natural science museums into cross-boundary establishments connecting science and arts.
She was also arranged to have a dialogue with Prof. Lin Hong John, chairman of the TNUA Department of Fine Arts, and Prof. Kuang-Yi Chen, chair of the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts.
Her various lectures at the School of Culture Resources saw her discuss various issues, such as: the relationships between museums and environmental issues; and museums' role in media and social praxis. She also had a discussion with TNUA's international students about the preservation of intangible assets and community development.