北藝大陳愷璜校長與國際事務處郭昭蘭國際長於10月中旬前往土耳其及斯洛維尼亞進行參訪交流,此行主要為參與在土耳其舉辦之亞洲藝術校院聯盟ALIA理監事會及會員大會,以及參訪位於斯洛維尼亞的姐妹校-盧布爾雅納大學(University of Ljubljana),為落實兩校未來合作等相關事宜,進行研議。

由土耳其米馬爾希南美術大學(Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University )主辦之2018(ALIA)理監事會及會員大會邀集會員學校包括日本京都造形藝術大學(Kyoto University of Art and Design )、蒙古藝術與文化大學(Mongolia State University of Arts and Culture )、 韓國藝術大學(Korea National University of Arts)、泰國朱拉隆宮大學(Chulalongkorn University)、新加坡拉薩爾藝術學院(Lasalle College of the Arts),以及哈薩克國立藝術學院(Kazakh National Academy of Arts)等校共17位專家學者一同出席與會。 


此外,由北藝大提出的關渡美術館跨校合辦年輕藝術家雙年展等提案也獲得支持,審議通過。 此外,在ALIA會議召開前,陳愷璜校長率團一行於15日先行前往斯洛維尼亞的盧布爾雅納大學(University of Ljubljana)拜會該校音樂學院(Academy of Music)及美術與設計學院(Academy of Fine Arts and Design)。位於斯洛維尼亞首都,盧布爾雅納的盧布爾雅納大學,其地位等同於在臺灣的臺灣大學。

該校為綜合大學,學術研究方面非常出色,北藝大與該校今年正式締約結盟,簽署合作協議書。 除了與音樂學院Marko Vatovec院長,以及美術與設計學院MSc. Lucija Močnik Ramovš院長等該校師長們進行會晤,討論各項交流之機會安排外,也走訪校園景點和參觀師生上課實況。對於該校的美術與設計學院設有獨立雕塑部門、繪畫部門及版畫中心,也有許多工作空間供學士生及研究生使用,一行人也留下深刻之印象。

TNUA President Prof. Chen attend ALIA meetings in Turkey TNUA President Prof. Chen Kai-Huang and Dean of International Affairs Prof. Jau-Lan Guo went on a two-country trip in mid-October taking them to Turkey to attend ALIA (Asian League of Institutes of the Arts) meetings and to Slovenia to visit the University of Ljubljana. 

They attended the ALIA’s general assembly and meetings of the boards of directors and supervisors hosted by Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. Prof. Chen and Prof. Guo were joined by representatives from fellow ALIA members, including the Kyoto University of Art and Design, the Mongolia State University of Arts and Culture , the Korea National University of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, the Lasalle College of the Arts, and the Kazakh National Academy of Arts. 

During their meetings on October 16 and 17, TNUA was reelected to the chairperson seat of ALIA, with the term extending to 2020. The two vice chairperson seats went to Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and the Lasalle College of the Arts. 

It was also decided during the meetings that the Korea National University of Arts will host the next meetings of the boards of directors and supervisors in November 2019. Member schools will send representatives as well as artists to the event next year, during which workshops will also be conducted. It was also decided that the Kazakh National Academy of Arts will host the ALIA general assembly and a symposium in October 2020, with details of the event to be discussed and confirmed during the 2019 meetings in Korea. 

The meetings in Turkey also confirmed support for a TNUA proposal to have the Kuandu Museum of fine Arts arrange inter-school biennial exhibitions for young artists. Prior to their Turkey trip, Prof. Chen and Prof. Guo first visited TNUA’s sister school, the University of Ljubljana, on October 15, during which they called on its Academy of Music and Academy of Fine Arts and Design. They met with the deans of the Academy of Music and the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Prof. Marko Vatovec and Prof. Lucija Mocnik Ramovs, respectively, discussing with them matters concerning exchanges between the two sides.

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