由國立臺北藝術大學舉辦之2017關渡藝術節「匯聚Rendezvous」在10月6日晚間於人文廣場舉辦熱鬧開幕式,先後由音樂、傳音與舞蹈系之學生所組成之團隊,以北管搭配臺灣北部地區特有的舞獅技藝-(竹敢)仔獅,搭配傳統南、北管,與結合獅子開光儀式,共同演出《靈獅藝動關渡門》;而從台東遠道而來的寶桑部落族人們與青少年所組成之薪傳少年營Papulu Tribe也特地帶來精采的報佳音與大獵祭等歌舞活動,並與現場觀眾們一起跳舞同樂,來揭開今年藝術節一系列精采活動的熱鬧序幕。
“Rendevouz,” the 2017 edition of the Kuandu Arts Festival,
kicked off with a bang on October 6 with a ceremony at TNUA’s Arts Forum. The
ceremony featured a lion dance accompanied by Beiguan and Nanguan music.
Performers from Taitung’s Papulu Tribe also presented a ritual of the
indigenous Puyuma people. The spectators had a lot of fun watching and dancing