
    今年鬧熱關渡節系列活動的高潮「百舟齊航 匯聚關渡」,獨木舟船隊由雙溪碼頭為起點,沿途經過下八仙碼頭、台北海大碼頭,抵達關渡漁港和陸路隊伍會合。獨木舟團隊由台灣獨木舟教育推廣中心、台北海洋科技大學等五個團體所組成。而臺北市長柯文哲也參與其中,乘坐由知名藝術家、北藝大副校長邱顯洵手繪之獨木舟,用雙手奮力划船,半小時後抵達關渡漁港,繼續變裝加入踩街隊伍。



    臺北市長柯文哲連續三年參與鬧熱關渡節,今年首次划獨木舟方式抵達活動現場,他肯定鬧熱關渡節一年比一年盛大,已達到在地化、國際化、產業化三大目標。活動包含關渡地區三個里全體動員,也在北藝大協助之下,讓此活動不僅發揮了地方的特色,同時也融入了藝文成份。柯文哲說,他相信鬧熱關渡節稟持的精神,一定能帶動地方產業,吸引更多觀光客,「讓台灣走出去,讓世界看見台灣。」 北藝大校長陳愷璜表示,感謝許多團體願意投注心力在鬧熱關渡節,今年將淡水河的環境議題導入,讓地方更關注,同時希望未來這種環境有關的議題活動可以永續推動,讓文化往下紮根,帶動臺北市周邊地區的參與,成為大台北區藝文活動的年度盛會。




新聞稿提供/ 鬧熱關渡節專案辦公室 攝影 王世邦 黃湧恩 吳俊諺

Thousands of people watched with excitement two spectacular processions parading towards Guandu Nature Park – one down the road and the other from the sea – to kick off a full day of celebrations for the annual Fun Guandu Festival on October 29. Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je was among the paddlers in a fleet of 100 canoes in the sea parade that embarked at 8:30 a.m. from Shuangxi Wharf, down Keelung River, and then up Tamsui River before arriving at the Guandu Fishing Port. The mayor joined the sea parade at about 10 a.m. on a canoe specifically handpainted for him by famous artist TNUA Vice President Chiu Nicolas. The land procession featured paraders donning costumes of their own designs, including duck-shape outfits that had been shown to the public at a press conference held on October 24 to promote the upcoming festival. Ko said he hopes the scale of the annual festival will get bigger and bigger, allowing art to not only create a bond in the community, but also showcase the culture of the Guandu area. TNUA President Prof. Chen Kai-Huang noted that the 2017 edition of the festival was indeed bigger than last year’s. He pointed out it was not only a day of fun and festivities, but also a promotion of the concept of sustainable life and culture incorporating the areas along Tamsui River to raise the public’ environmental awareness. He said he hopes the festival can motivate people to work together for a better community and it can become the biggest festival of Taiwan. Apart from Mr. Ko and Prof. Chen, the October 24 press conference also saw the presence of Taipei Department of Information and Tourism Commissioner Chien Yu-yen, Guandu Temple Chairman Chen Yu-kun and Asustek Computer Chief Sustainability Officer Sandy Wei.

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