多明尼加共和國駐臺大使Jose Miguel Soto Jimenez先生率團於21日蒞校參訪,此行主要拜會陳愷璜校長,並與國際交流中心郭昭蘭主任、關渡美術館林宏璋館長,與文創產業國際藝術碩士學位學程林亞婷主任等校內主管進行會晤,雙方意見交流。



    Soto大使則談到,除了政治、經濟外,文化藝術實為十分重要之外交一環。此行,他特地帶來其著作《La Patria-Canto a Nosotros Mismos》、《Memorial de La Guazabara》與《El Trujiliicon》,致贈與陳愷璜校長,並於校長室的龍造型裝置藝術上簽名,留下「El amor es la razon de vivir」(中譯:為愛而生)這一句話送給北藝大全體師生。會中,Soto大使也親自邀請陳愷璜校長參與該國於226日舉辦之國慶,及至3月中旬一系列之文化週活動,欣賞來自多明尼加不同類型之藝術創作。


攝影 王世邦 吳俊諺 #多明尼加共和國駐臺大使Jose Miguel Soto Jimenez先生 IMCC

TNUA President Prof. Chen Kai-Huang extended a warm welcome to Mr. Jose Miguel Angel Soto Jimenez, the Dominican Republic ambassador to the Republic of China, during his visit to the university on February 1. The ambassador also met with other TNUA administrators, including: Prof. Guo Jau-Lan, chief director of the International Exchange Center; Prof. Lin Hong-John, director of the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts (KdMoFA); and Prof. Ya-Tin Lin, chairperson of the International Master of the Arts Program in Cultural and Creative Industries (IMCCI). Mr. Soto Jiminez has been the Dominican Republic ambassador to the ROC since July 2017. Previously he had served as defense minister of his country and had visited Taiwan twice. He is also a famous writer who has published many books in various genres. He visited TNUA to get a better understanding of Taiwan’s higher education in arts and to explore possibility of exchange between the two sides. Prof. Chen gave Mr. Soto Jimenze and others in his delegation an introduction to the university. He pointed out that IMCCI has foreign students from the Dominican Republic and other countries. He said he hopes that art can serve as a foundation on which diverse cultural exchanges can be built. Mr. Soto Jimenze noted that apart from political and economic issues, arts and culture are also very important parts of diplomatic affairs. He gave Prof. Chen copies of his books, “La Patria-Canto a Nosotros Mismos,” “Memorial de La Guazabara,” and “El Trujiliicon.” He also signed his name on a piece of installation art in Prof. Chen’s office, and wrote down a message for all of the members of TNUA: “El amor es la razon de vivir,” which means “Love is the reason for living.” The ambassador also invited Prof. Chen to take part in the Dominican Republic’s National Day celebrations on February 26, and a series of activities for the Cultural Week in mid-March where various types of artworks from his country will be showcased. The guests of honor also visited the Gallery of TNUA History and KdMoFA. Mr. Soto Jimenez said he was impressed by the TNUA campus.

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