北藝大音樂學院五度受邀出席於美國南加州大學(University of Southern California)舉辦之「2018泛太平洋音樂學院聯盟高峰會議」(Pacific Alliance of Music Schools 2018 Summit,簡稱PAMS),這次活動共計邀請1014所高等藝術學府共同參與,北藝大部分則由音樂學院蘇顯達院長與劉慧謹教授代表出席。 今年會議以「由課程內容反映學校地點」(Reflecting your Location through your Curriculum)為題,除詳細介紹各與會學校不同課程安排特色外,並就當今音樂學院教育發展等議題提出討論,同時分享其中幾所學校過去一年對課程改革之重大發展。此外,本屆會議並延伸交流範圍,邀請各院校的國際交流代表一同與會,針對當前校際交流的各種可能性進行討論。

    43日起近一週的密集活動中,安排研討議題如「課程綜合」、「校際互動」等相關實務、策略討論與意見交換。除了會議舉辦外,活動期間另安排參訪南加大重要校園景點,電影配樂課程體驗(由Dan Carlin教授帶領演奏家現場示範電影配樂的概念與實作)、欣賞室內樂演奏,以及由流行音樂系Patrice Rushen主任帶領學生樂團伴奏之示範演出。此外,由Rushen主任也舉辦一場專題演講,說明該校流行音樂教學的緣起與發展。

    蘇顯達院長說到,洛杉磯南加州大學創校百餘年,位於流行音樂與電影配樂的重鎮洛杉磯,除了古典音樂的教學外,更合宜的反映地區性的教學特色,如當今電影配樂巨匠,星際大戰作曲者John Williams亦在該校任教。他認為,音樂創作與演出的藝術眼光必須有寬度有包容性,包容早期古典與當代,傳統與西方,正統歐洲古典與東西方跨界音樂。



    邁入第五屆的PAMS起源於2014由澳洲雪梨大學的雪梨音樂學院與中國北京的中央音樂學院共同發起「亞太音樂高峰會議」(Asia Pacific Music Summit),當時共邀請了亞太地區12所音樂學院院長參加,會後達成共識依實際參與國之地域範圍,該組織正名為「泛太平洋音樂學院聯盟」,同時規劃每年輪流於不同國家舉行院長級高峰會議 (Summit)來擴增彼此間之國際交流與經驗分享。迄今的前四屆會議分別於澳洲雪梨、北京、新加坡與紐西蘭奧克蘭舉行。

    PAMS目前與會成員包括國立臺北藝術大學(Taipei National University of the Arts)、南加州大學 University of Southern California)、 舊金山音樂學院(San Francisco Conservatory of Music)、奧克蘭大學院(University of Auckland)、中央音樂學院(Beijing Central Conservatory of Music)、 上海音樂學院(Shanghai Conservatory of Music)、雪梨音樂學院 Sydney Conservatorium of Music)、墨爾本大學(University of Melbourne )、東京藝術大學(Tokyo University of the Arts)、國立首爾大學 Seoul National University)、香港演藝學院(Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts)、新加坡楊秀桃音樂學院 Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music)、加拿大哥倫比亞大學(University of British Columbia),以及泰國瑪西朵大學(Mahidol Univerity),今年也將有來自智利與墨西哥的音樂學院申請加入。而第六屆PAMS高峰會議將由韓國首爾大學主辦,會議預定時間為2019414日至17日。 #PAMS #北藝大音樂學院

Representatives from TNUA’s School of Music attended the Pacific Alliance of Music Schools (PAMS) 2018 Summit hosted by the University of Southern California (USC) in April. A total of 14 music schools from 10 different countries were featured in the summit, whose theme this year was “Reflecting your Location through your Curriculum.” It the fifth time that TNUA has been invited to PAMS. Its representatives this year were Prof. Shien-Ta Su, dean of the School of Music, and Prof. Hwei Jin Liu. The almost week-long summit, which started on April 3, took a look at the curriculums and characteristics of the participating schools, in line with this year’s theme. It also discussed issues concerning the development of music education. Apart from discussions and experience sharing, and opinion exchanging, the PAMS participants were also arranged to tour the USC campus, attend a film scoring class given by Prof. Dan Carlin, enjoy a chamber music concert and another performance by Prof. Patrice Rushen and students from the Popular Music Program. Prof. Rushen, chair of the Popular Music Program, also gave a talk about the development of the program. Prof. Su pointed out that USC music curriculum reflects the importance and characteristics of Los Angeles in the film industry and popular music. John Williams, the composer of Star War theme music, also teaches there, Su noted. Prof. Liu noted that most of the attendees of PAMS think that music students do not study how to play an instrument, but also how to perform music. USC and the University of Auckland have reformed their music curriculums, giving students more flexibility in choosing their classes, and encouraging them to take courses in other disciplines. The first PAMS summit took place at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music in 2014, co-hosted by Beijing Central Conservatory of Music. PAMS was formed to forge closer ties between the institutions. Since then, deans and presidents of the partner schools have been meeting every year, in a bid to build the region into a driving force of music education and culture. Current members of PAMS include: TNUA, University of Southern California, San Francisco Conservatory of Music, the University of Auckland, the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne, Tokyo University of the Arts, Seoul National University, Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, University of British Columbia and Mahidol University. The next PAMS summit will take place at Seoul National University in April 2019.

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