繼去年舉辦草地聖誕音樂會廣受好評後,北藝大「Big Band 爵士大樂團與「拉丁小樂團」於本學期期末再次舉辦成果發表會《拉丁一夏》,分別由音樂系魏廣晧老師帶領爵士大樂團30多名成員演出《Cotton Tail》、《Superstition》、《Mambo Inn》、《My Foolish Heart》、《You are the sunshine of of my life 》、《Agua de beber》,以及《What’s going on》等融合多元曲風之輕快樂章;另由吳政君老師帶領的拉丁小樂團10多位成員們則是協力合奏《Yatra-Taby Tania Maria、《Despacito》、《Yankee》,與《Mozambique》等充滿濃濃拉丁風情的熱鬧樂曲,讓所有在場觀眾們,渡過輕鬆愉快的午餐時光。

    音樂系盧文雅主任表示,邁入第二年的「Big Band」,看到同學們的成長與精進,感到十分欣慰,同時也要感謝這群老師們這一路悉心的教導。



攝影 吳俊諺 IMPACT音樂學程 #北藝大爵士大樂團 Big Band

TNUA's jazz "Big Band" and "Latin Little Band" gave a joint concert in June towards the end of the last semester, entertaining the audience in an open-air event on campus. The Big Band, with more than 30 members, played "Cotton Tail," "Superstition," "Mambo Inn," "My Foolish Heart," "You are the Sunshine of My Life," "Agua de beber," and "What's Going On" in a performance conducted by Mr Stacey Wei. The Latin Little Band, consisting of about a dozen musicians, performed "Yatra-Ta" by Tania Maria, "Despacito," "Yankee" and "Mozambique." Their part was conducted by Mr. Alex Wu. Prof. Wen-Yea Lu, chairperson of the Department of Music, noted she is glad to see how much the Big Band has grown since it was formed last year. And she also expressed gratitude to all the teachers that have been involved in the training of the band. Mr. Wei pointed out that since he started giving jazz courses at the Department of Music and the IMPACT Music Program last year, he has enjoyed jazz music together with many brilliant students who have solid skills in playing musical instruments and quick responses. Mr. Wu, who has offered Latin music courses and workshops for the IMPACT program for two semesters in a row, noted that the students of the Latin Little Band had worked hard for the concert, aiming to give the best possible performance.

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