國立臺北藝術大學陳愷璜校長、關渡美術館林宏璋教授與藝術與人文教育研究所吳岱融老師一行於719日前往日本姐妹校東京藝術大學進行拜會,此行除與東京藝大澤和樹(Kazuki Sawa)校長會晤,就兩校合作相關事宜意見交流外,同時也出席該校國際藝術創造研究所於722日舉辦之「後殖民城市記憶 The Postcolonial Urban Experience」研討會及發表演說。


    東京藝大現任的澤和樹(Kazuki Sawa)校長於會談中期待,未來兩校除定期的活動舉辦外,特別在音樂交流部分可以再增加。在訪日的四天期間,陳愷璜校長一行也在國際藝術創造研究所熊倉純子(Kumakura Sumiko)所長及住友文彥(Sumitomo Fumihiko)教授等人的陪同解說下,順道參訪東藝大校園相關景點。

    另於22日在上野校區舉辦之「後殖民城市記憶 The Postcolonial Urban Experience」研討會,是繼去年9 月東藝大藝術研究與策展實踐學程師生蒞校與北藝大美術學院藝術跨域研究所共同聯合舉辦「東京-台北《策展背包客》」工作坊,透過實地考察和討論當代臺北於殖民時期的歷史和古蹟後,今年將場域移至東京,藉由參訪與在日臺灣人相關文化交流的場所、關東大地震的朝鮮人犧牲者追悼碑等歷史遺跡,依循兩個城市之間存在的歷史記憶旅線與脈絡來進行對話,另有包括來自臺灣、韓國、香港等地之留學生們一同出席參與。

照片提供/ 吳岱融老師 #姐妹校日本東京藝大 #「後殖民城市記憶 The Postcolonial Urban Experience」研討會 #國際交流

TNUA President Prof. Chen Kai-Huang visited the Tokyo University of the Arts on July 19, meeting with Tokyo Geidai President Prof. Kazuki Sawa in talks about collaboration and exchange between the two sides. Accompanying Prof. Chen to the visit were Prof. Lin Hong-John, director of the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts (KdMoFA), and Prof. Wu Dai-Rong from the Graduate Institute of Arts and Humanities Education. The TNUA delegation also attended and delivered speeches at “The Postcolonial Urban Experience” forum held at Tokyo Geidai on July 22. Prof. Chen pointed out during his meeting with Prof. Sawa that TNUA and Tokyo Geidai became sister schools in 2009, and since then both sides have worked together in various fields including music, fine arts, animation art, new media art and film. In recent, collaboration between the two schools has been particularly close and frequent in the fields of music and fine arts, Prof. noted. Tokyo Geidai’s teachers and students have been invited to give workshops and master lectures at TNUA for many times, and the sister school has also sent performers to take part in the Kuandu Arts Festival for many times, Prof. Chen said. Prof. Sawa expressed the hope that the two schools, apart from the regular activities they have been regularly holding, can increase exchange in the field of music. During their four-day visit, the visitors from TNUA were shown around the Tokyo Geidai campus by Prof. Kumakura Sumiko and Prof. Sumitomo Fumihiko. “The Postcolonial Urban Experience” forum featured presentations from the TNUA professors and reported the outcome of fieldwork by students from Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong and Japan.

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