Chilean director Gabriel Osorio has disclosed in his master lecture at the KuanDu International Animation Festival the family ordeal that inspired his Oscarwinning
short film "Bear Story."

Mr. Osorio was among several directors and curators from other countries, including France, Spain, China and South Korea, who gave lectures and workshops at the
festival, which was held from October 30 to November 5.

In his lecture, the Chilean director said "Bear Story,” which is about the separation of a bear family, was inspired his childhood memory of his family being separated as a result of political persecution. He stressed that family being separated is something he cannot

Mr. Osorio majored in Fine Arts at the University of Chile. Later he turned his focus to 3D animation. After working in several commercials, movies, and television series, he decided to create his own animation studio: Punkrobot.

Since 2008 he has been directing TV projects for children, such as on Flipos, Muelin and Perlita and Soccer Girls.

His very first short film, "Bear Story" has received over 55 international awards, including an Oscar from the Academy for Best Animated Short Film. But the very first international award for "Bear Story" came from TNUA's KuanDu International Animation Festival in

He said he had worked out a few drafts before deciding that the bear would be the main character of the short film. It took almost six months to finish the script and another four years to finish the film.
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    2017-05-24 00:00:00
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    2021-03-15 14:56:13